Flex Coat - Drying Wheel, Epoxies, and Accessories

Flex Coat - Drying Wheel, Epoxies, and Accessories
We are proud to offer all the Flex Coat products you will need for putting a high quality finish on your spoon fly patterns.
Flex Coat produces the leading formula of epoxy that is durable, semi-flexible, and with the highest adhesion. With 40 years of experience, Flex Coat is the brand to which all other epoxies are compared to.
For reference, we find that 2.5cc of each part epoxy (5cc total), will coat approximately 12 spoon flies.
Drying time is approximately 2 hours. Tack free in about 12 hours. Fully cured in 24 hours. We recommend to epoxy the spoons and leave them on the drying wheel overnight.
Spoon Fly Drying Wheel - (Includes 4 free small clips and 4 large clips) This cordless drying wheel unit comes with an extra large 5″ foam disk and 7 RPM motor (made in the USA). Features an an on/off switch and is powered by four AA batteries (not included).
Lure Epoxy Gel Coat - (Includes two free syringes). A high adhesion two part epoxy that is clear, durable yet flexible, UV resistant coating, and is the perfect choice for coating all spoon fly patterns. Made in the USA. 2oz size.
Epoxy Syringes - Two reusable 3cc syringes to guarantee accurate measurement of Flex Coat Epoxies.
Fly Pin Clips - A set of six fly pin clips for the fly tyer looking to fill the entire drying wheel up in one tying session.